What I didn't know was that I was actually going to be reminded of how totally doable this can be, and better yet, get a nice little kick in the ass.
It was fine!!! And I had fun. I forgot how it really can be OK to go out with friends and NOT drink even if they are. And it's not always worth it. Yeah, a few beers would have been really relaxing and I would have been a bit looser and all that good stuff, but I wouldn't feel as good about my choices tomorrow morning as I will instead. The marginal benefits of a beer or two certainly would not have outweighed all of the cons. SO...No beers. No shitty apps. And I was able to go home, relax, do a little workout and I know I'll feel great in the morning and that I'm one small step closer to my goals, both mentally and physically.
It's not just about loosing. It's easy to have a short term excuse (i.e. I'm on a diet) to fall back on when making these choices. But what about maintainence? Or what about when I'm trying to put on muscle withouth packing on the pounds? I'm going to be faced with these choices all the time, and a big and very important goal of mine is to be able to SAY NO to those things that control me and still be able to have fun. So in the long term, I really need to gain this skill of balance, self control and making the better choice sometime, even if it isn't the most fun. Don't give up what you want most for what you want now, right?
Now for the kick in the ass. I know I should have more compassion... BUTTTTT, when you're sitting there drinking the booze and eating the shitty apps, which are probably even worse for you than the beers, you just can't lecture me about how my diet coke is bad for me while trying to lose weight. A) Forest through the trees anyone? B) I've researched the crappy studies, which are totally inconclusive imo. C) Do you really think the news reports accurately on nutritional studies anyways?
I know the hype is enticing and it feels good to spread the word about what your crappy overpriced trainer told you, but nooooo. Just no. You're really not helping yourself by focusing on stuff like that. So go and stress about avoiding your diet coke and consume lord knows what instead. I'm going to enjoy mine and savor the motivational kick in the ass you just gave me to not be another Bob.
Overall, a good night. Next step, not feeling guilty over a little planned fun tomorrow. That's going to be the real test. Balance.