So this year, Christmas was....well a little freaking BIZARRO. Every year, as long as I can remember and as long as my house has existed, we've hosted the holiday. Usually anywhere between 15-30 people will show up. It's a wonderful day of pepperoni, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, crescent rolls and bananna bread. This year my Dad was given the xmas gift of 3 trips to the ER, starting christmas eve morning. YAY. Long story short, he needs a knee replacement and while we're getting the red tape BS sorted out, he gets the never ending gift of excruciating pain. So first, Xmas was delayed....ok, delayed is doable... but after the 3rd trip in, it has been officially CANCELED for the year. That's right. The grinch literally stole out christmas. Talk about bizzaro holiday.
"Me am Superman."
The day itself was also beyond strange. We hadn't even decorated the tree yet with all the craziness, so we did that. We made beef stew and dinner was completely sans crescent rolls. We waited until nearly 2 to open gifts, which we did on the couch instead of next to the tree so that my dad didn't need to move. Oh my sister wasn't there either, so it was just the three of us. To top of a wonderful day, I did some work I had taken home and my dad and I watched the second Transformers movie. Now if that doesn't scream Christmas, I dont know what does.
As for friends, they got jam packed into one super busy day. Hit up a coffee shop with one friend I hadn't seen in ages, and managed to run into a mutual friend of ours there. small small world. Then hit up the $2 movie theater to see Paranormal Activity. Let me tell you, I do NOT do well in scary movies, but the $2 atmosphere makes it totally different. You can laugh, cry, scream, bring infants, do anything you want. literally. It's amazing. So I squealed my way through the movie, which thankfully had a crap ending, making it not so scary at all. Then hit up the bar with my cousins and got to visit with my Aunt and Uncle for a bit, catch up on my celeb gossip. Always a good time and guilty pleasure.
Food and exercise wise, the vacation was good. I got to do some at home exercising and hit the gym twice. I was impressed with myself. Found a pretty damn good balance between indulging in xmas treats (come on....that apple crumb pie had to be eaten by someone), while still pretty much staying on track. And I actually think I was able to even make PROGRESS over the holiday. Who does that? I dont know, but I'm feeling pretty pumped from it.
I can't eat myself....
So not exactly a normal year, but hey, its certinaly one I'll remember. I still got to spend a good chunk of time at home with family and friends and that's what counts really. Still, would have been nice to at least have fake xmas. Maybe we'll pull something togethr later this year. Next time with less ER and more pillsbury.
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