Sunday, January 10, 2010


I've said it before, and I'll say it again... We. Are. Fucked.  Really, just really, how are people expected to be anything BUT obese in this world? I love my parents to death, but recently had a super frustrating discussion with my mom the last time I was home.  Found out she doesn't eat breakfast and typically has a light yogurt and a piece of fruit for lunch.  So that means she's eaten, what, MAYBE 250 calories by dinnertime???? She then of course is starving, overindulges in a big dinner and maybe too often gives into her sweet tooth after that. I love her to death, but she think she's eats "mostly healthy" and it breaks my heart really.  Her blood sugar's gotta be all over the place and the feast/famine pattern is just awful for you.

Less isn't always better, which a lot of people don't get. I've been particularly entertained lately by the battle of the diet processed foods. Progresso has a new series of commercials comparing a serving (aka half a can- LOVE the trickery there) of their soup to a "whopping" 300 calories and 8g of fat in "other frozen diet meals." No, I'm not the biggest fan of frozen meals (though I admittedly will indulge sometimes - especially to kill a Chinese food or pizza craving), but at least they have some substance and sustenance to them. It's not a bowl of broth filled with carbs. That's not going to do jack to keep you full, satisfy you or really fuel your body at all. But it's only 80 calories a serving, and that's going to win the waifs (and waif-wannabes) guaranteed. Guaranteed. LESS DOES NOT EQUAL BETTER. uggggggh.

Next and even more amazing is the new Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet.  Really.  REALLY????  I don't think I can even write enough really's to describe how that makes me feel.  Talk about trickery. Geeze. It's one thing to say "this is the best option when fast food is truly your only option" (which it never should be with a little planning....) but to actually say "this contributed to my weight loss" ???? Wow. They even have a registered dietitian endorsing this? Who would put their name next to a fast food diet (other than obviously David Zinczenko who I'm sure would have no problem with it).  Yes, ok, some choices are better than other but who in their right mind promotes this????  I hope the $$$ was worth her credibility. At least the KFC version has some sort of vegetables and is using grilled chicken. Still definitely far from a health food.... but definitely a step up from freakin' Taco Bell.

I'm speechless on this one.

Good job America.  Good job capitalism.  Good job screwing ourselves over.  $'s converted to #'s.  Excellent.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the Taco Bell thing was a joke when I first saw the commercial. Unreal.
