One of my simultaneously most enjoyable and most frustrating topics to talk about is supplements... or "supplements" as I prefer to think of them. Now be warned, this is probably going to turn into more of a rant or ramble, with no clear ending or point. I find it hard to draw the line myself. So maybe this is just something to get you thinking about what you put in your body and why. It's kind of a personal decision (I'm channeling my inner guidance counselor) and I can't make that decision for you, but maybe I can make you question some things you haven't before.
When people think bodybuilding, the first supplement they usually think of is protein powder. Wait, wasn't protein one of those macros you mentioned before? Hrmmmm.....If it's a major macro, is it really a supplement? If I walked around the gym noshing on a plain chicken breast, would you say I was supplementing? If I chugged egg whites, would you say I was supplementing? If I fed my baby a powdered formula would you say it was supplementing? Am I starting to make you think? Is pea protein or hemp protein less of a supplement because it comes from a plant than whey or casein because of their dairy base? Does that mean my cheese is a supplement too??? Oh and while I'm here, please, don't ever say "take protein." Taking is for pills or steriods, not something you drink or cook with. You don't TAKE chicken, so why do you take protein?
Much tastier than raw egg whites. Trust me.
Next up, fats. Generally this is going to be fish oil, flaxseed oil or maybe CLA (aka FATS). Now hold on there...wasn't fats one of those macros too? Would you consider someone eating fish for the fat benefits supplementing? What about adding my ground flaxseed to my oatmeal? But when we get the good stuff out and concentrate it, even though we haven't added anything, it's now a supplement? Something sounds fishy there to me (yes, pun intended). And what about capsuls versus oils? Does that make one more or less of a supplement?
Now let's take it a step further. Vitamins. Pretty much the same idea, right? Processing provides a pill that contains the stuff you want without all the extras. But this time, it gets a different name. That calcium pill isn't a supplement, it's a vitamin. Ohhhhhhhhh. Makes so much sense, right? Along the same lines, what about stuff like ginseng or bee pollen or valarien root... so called herbal supplements. Are they really different because they come from herbs? They get their own name so they must be, right?
Like I said, no real answers there, just stuff to think about. Now back to my love of CTC and how that fits in with eating clean. Eating clean today is tough. No ifs, ands or butts about it. There's so much hidden crap in everything and anything, and it tastes DAMN GOOD. Don't get me wrong, I love a bowl of fresh fruit, but it's no Cinnabon, and I don't think I'll ever totally lose my sweet tooth. Typically, I aim for about 90% eating clean, and I would be totally lying if I said that other 10% wasn't made of total crap and I'm not sure I expect that to change.
My 10% of deliciousness.
Yeah, maybe my protein shake is a little more processed than that chicken breast, but it's a lean, convient, cheap source of protein that helps keep me on plan and allows me to enjoy myself. Really, it's sooooo versatile for baking, and protein pumpkin pancakes are amazing. Yes, I'd rather include more fatty fish in my diet, but I don't really like it all that much and forcing myself to eat it certainly isn't the way to stay on the wagon or live life even. And that calcium, well considering that I'm lactose sensitive, you're not going to see me with a milk moustache to meet my daily requirements.
So my real thought comes down to what's the lesser of evils in my diet? Is avoiding that extra bit of processing really worth it, especially when I'm honest about what my other 10% is going to be like? For me, hellllll no. That extra bit of processing is a life saver, a pants fitter, a fat burner, healthy dessert maker and a muscle builder. I wouldn't give it up for the world. Not now at least, and some things (like my fish oil) I don't think I ever will. Is it worth it for you? In my opinion, probably, but like Counselor Katie said, that's a decision you have to make for yourself. Hopefully I've given you some things to think about in the meantime!
Damn right, cause I like them both, just like my clean and not-so-clean foods.
Both have a place in my life.
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