Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It occurred to me this week that I don't think I've done a post about my furkids - or at least not recently. I got the idea when I saw the picture of one of my rescue group's newer adoptables, Goliath, a cutiepie little lionhead who looks just like my Dirk did as a baby. So this probably won't be the most exciting post, but it might be the cutest.

I guess we start at the beginning. You probably ask, how in the world did I get into rabbits? Not exactly a common pet are they? Our bunny involvement started about 40 years ago, with my Dad! He had buns when he was kid. He also had pretty strong animal allergies, which I was lucky enough to inherit. So when it came time for our family to get pets, cats and dogs were definitely out. That left buns!

Enter Tippy and Toes! We were very creative young gals with our naming. Tippy and Toes did have excellent periscoping skills though, at least until Tippy goy fat :) Oh and for those that don't know, periscoping is bunny talk for standing up on your back feet only and looking around, like a periscope on a submarine. Our buns lived relatively long, happy lives. Toes was constantly either running into things and breaking his teeth (yes, literally) or very exubrantly lusting after poor Tippy. Her scent alone saved him from being lost in the woods one night he got loose! They were our babies. And they passed away when I was in highschool. I knew I couldn't have bunnies in college, but I always knew I would get more as soon as I could.

The beginning of Love.... and many incidents of peeing on my bed!!!

Enter..... Clive and Dirk, my current furkids! In the weeks before the end of college, I started looking everywhere for a place I could get buns. Unfortunately, at that point I didn't even think about adoption. It didn't occur to me with rabbits, but I can't imagine any other way to do it in the future! I did however come across (thanks to my sister) and fall in love with a breed called lionheads. And thus began my search.

First, I found baby Clive. Awwwwww. And a few weeks later came baby Dirk. And pretty immediately after came love, as you can clearly see in their ridiculous snuggling and spooning.

Baby clive, baby dirk, early bonding in the park, spooning in the litterbox - literally.

And even sooner it was clear who the third wheel was. I love my boys dearly, but they're clearly in love with each other and not me! I'm the human slave. I clean. I give hay. I have treats. That's me. The only time I get attention is when we go to the park and they're trying to hide from everyone.  I don't have any idea why they wouldn't love me all the time....

Xmas 2007

So, like I said, not the most exciting post, but probably the cutest!!!!

What are those??? April 2008

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