It's been many a month since I've visited you all in blogging land and I'm ready to make my return! Hopefully it will be most triumphant (excited anyone?). Or at least OK. I'm not too sure where to start now that I think about it. Hard to sum up the past few month, but I'll try.
Honestly, it's been a bit rough lately. Going through some personal stuff (to be girly and vague), but I don't want to get down and mopey with that. Always look on the bright side of life, right? Right. Unfortunately, the bright side of the last few months has mainly revolved around food...not so cute on the waistline. So that's #1 on the comeback to-do list. Getting back in good shape and starting to eat well again. I did say good shape and not just shape because I have somewhat maintained that. I did quite sucessfully complete the Warrior Dash with a bunch of awesome friends just a few weeks ago (which my friend quite wonderfully wrote about here!). So I was somewhat able to keep in shape of some sort. Definitely not up to par for me though. Plus, I long for "da pummmp" as Arnie would say.
Work has been OK as well. Mostly doing a lot of the same stuff.... over and over again. I'm quite ready for a change of pace, which luckily I'll be getting soon when I go out for inspections! I've decided to put off grad school for the moment while I try to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life. Just decided the timing wasn't right. So that's that for now.
I didn't get to do quite as many "summer" activities as I might have liked. But I've been keeping pretty busy with my friends too, which has been nice! Hanging out doing random things, helping my college bf with wedding stuff here and there, going to concerts, seeing the family and enjoying shenanigans with the Boston Society of Spontaneity. I haven't been doing as much volunteer work as I would have liked lately either, but there's always time to change that! I have been enjoying my new volunteer role with my rabbit rescue group, HRN - working on the hotline! I've had all sorts of interesting calls and was given the Hotline Volunteer of the Year award at our Bunny Bash this summer for my "grace" (ha! my mom would love to hear that) during some of the more "interesting" calls. I miss fostering, but I know I'm making a good solid contribution doing this too!
What else? Well given that I'm calling this a comeback, I figure it's also time for a.... MAKEOVER!
There's some neat new options available on blogger that I definitely want to take advantage of here. So be expecting the setup to change a lot, when I get motivation of course. I'd like to try to also use this more to post a bit of what I'm doing for diet/exercise since my friends usually ask me about it (and to keep myself a bit more on track and accountable....). And I want to include some more random stuff about just my everyday life too. So it will be all over the place! No real theme... other than me?
So I think that's about that! I'm back! I'm excited. I hopefully won't get too distracted by my Wii. Speaking of which, time to go...do.......something..........toodaloo!
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