Monday, January 17, 2011

Bring on the beans....accountability here I come!

This isn't going to be a particularly long post, but after a huge pigout last night on a lot of cheese and multiple lean cuisines (doesn't sound so bad, but really, I was disgustingly overstuffed and still am the morning after), I've decided I need to make some sort of public commitment somewhere to get my ass back in gear. The ickies are slowly creeping back onto me (even though to those that haven't seen me in a while I probably look pretty good), and I'm not a fan. Granted, I'm eating like crap and haven't really been exercising, so it's totally understandable.

So, I guess I'll be trying to create some sort of section dedicated to my diet/exercise. I'll do my best to update daily, or near daily, with basically what I'm eating. Time to hit the rice+beans again and probably ban cheese from my apartment. Avacado = ok, cheese = piggy me.  

For those that don't know, I HATE resolution time of the year at the gym, so I asked for a TRX for Christmas and froze my gym membership for 2 months. Problem is making yourself actually work out at home. Well this week I'm going at it for real damnit! I want to get in 3 TRX workouts a week and 2 "other" (maybe exerciseTV, a DVD, something metabolic, jumping rope - whatever I'm in the mood for). So I'll try to add that into my updates as well.

I guess for anyone that has asked me "What do you do?" or "What do you eat?", this might give you some idea. Mostly, I just want some accountability because this vague accountability to myself is NOT cutting it. 
  • I have a wedding in 4 months that I'm in the bridal party for, so I can't really gain weight. 
  • I want to stay healthy and happy with myself. 
  • I want to use up my stores of food.
  • I want to save some money.
  • I want to use my CSA.
  • I want to cook more.
  • I want to try new things.
  • I want to put this TRX to use.
  • I want to be active and master my body weight.
  • I want to be confident and comfortable and happy.
  • I want my friggin back back.
  • And I need to be killing those pull ups, pushups and pistol squats. Lordy girl!
So yeah, I guess those are some reasons and motivations to keep in mind. Wish me luck!

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